Friday, October 21, 2011

Cereal Picnic

So I know this is silly, two posts in less than an hour but i was just looking through pictures and found the pictures from our cereal picnic last weekend. In a effort to combat whatever home sickness we may be feeling, my friend michelle and i have these picnics of whatever food we happen to be craving. for a while it's been cereal cause it's not something you eat in france. but we found some classics and decided to have a picnic in the notre dame tram stop park! it was an excellent way to spend a saturday afternoon!
My picnic! honey nut cheerios, banana, apple, and nutella!
Here i am with my one true love: Nutella.
Michelle opening up the milk! the milk here is so weird. it's not kept in the fridge. so it just tastes off. and it's all whole milk so it's creamy... yuck. but it served it's purpose for our cereal picnic!
the leftovers from kait's cereal supply!
my personal jar of nutella kind of took a hit between me and michelle putting nutella on the brownies that emily's host mama had made for us for dessert!

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